Virtual Gateway (VG) Multifactor Authentication (MFA) Legacy Login Will Be Removed in February 2025

On May 19, 2024, the Executive Office of Health and Human Services (EOHHS) Virtual Gateway (VG) implemented Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). At that time, the VG enabled a Legacy option to allow users sufficient time to transition to MFA. Please note that the VG is removing the Legacy Login option used to access MassHealth’s Provider Online Service Center (POSC) or point to point connectivity methods in February 2025. All users that that have not yet transitioned are required to set up MFA by Friday, February 14 to continue accessing MassHealth’s system.

If you are using the Legacy Login option, it is imperative that you transition to the MFA process as soon as possible. Instructions can be found on

Please note: MFA and the VG terms and conditions require that a unique email address be associated to a single VG account. Please ensure that your organization completes the following:

  1. All users review and ensure that the email address associated with their VG User ID is unique and is not duplicated with any other VG User ID that is currently used. If the email address does not meet this criteria, the user must update the email address to reflect a unique unduplicated email address.
  2. The Primary User must coordinate with users to ensure that each user only has a single, unique VG User ID and must eliminate multiple User IDs currently assigned to the same individual. Each user should only have 1 VG User ID.
  3. The Primary User must coordinate with users to ensure that “common” named User IDs that are being shared amongst staff are eliminated. Each User ID must be assigned to an individual with a unique email address.

Taking the aforementioned steps are required to ensure that your organization is compliant with the VG terms and conditions. PLEASE NOTE: Accounts that are not transitioned by February 14, 2025, will be deactivated.

For additional questions or concerns:

LTSS providers, please contact the LTSS Provider Service Center at (844) 368-5184 or

All other providers, please contact MassHealth at (800) 849-2900 or

Virtual Gateway (VG) Multifactor Authentication (MFA) Legacy Login Will Be Removed in February 2025
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