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Health Care Training Forum

Continuous Skilled Nursing (CSN) Documentation Time

July 1, 2024

MassHealth will begin adding additional Continuous Skilled Nursing (CSN) time to all Community Case Management (CCM) members’ LTSS service records for nurse documentation time that takes place during a nurse’s shift. This additional time will become available to all CCM members on December 15, 2024.

The amount of time added to each member’s service record will be determined by adding a 5% increase based on each member’s current assessed hours. Families can choose to assign these additional hours to current CSN providers or use them for new providers.

Over the next six months, CCM will be updating all CCM members’ service records to add this administrative increase for CSN documentation time; however, members and families cannot begin using this additional time until December 15, 2024. CCM members and families may begin discussing with their current CSN providers how they would like to use this additional CSN time come December 15, 2024. CSN providers do not need to make any changes to their documentation or billing practices as a result of this change.

If you have questions regarding this guidance, please contact the LTSS Provider Service Center at (844) 368-5184 or