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The Official Website of the Massachusetts Health Care Training Forum
Health Care Training Forum

Fall 2021 Meeting Materials

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MassHealth / Health Safety Net Updates - Presented by MassHealth and Health Safety Net
MassHealth Updates will provide the latest updates and information related to MassHealth applicants and members.  This quarter, MassHealth Updates will include information on MassHealth's ongoing response to
COVID-19, Gender Affirming Care coverage & policies, and more.

Health Safety Net (HSN) Updates will review the latest updates and information related to fiscal year closure, code updates, and more.

Health Connector UpdatesPresented by Health Connector
The Health Connector will discuss the Open Enrollment process for the plan yea 2022, including information about available Health Insurance plans, shopping, payments, and enrollment reminders. 
Medicare Open Enrollment 2021 – Presented by SHINE
This presentation will describe the SHINE Program, Open Enrollment and why it's so important, Medicare changes or flexibilities starting January 2022, Medicare Advantage or drug plan options, the revised Medicare Plan Finder tool, and programs to help pay for Medicare.
BabySteps Savings Plan Program – Presented by the Office of Economic Empowerment (OEE)
The Office of Economic Empowerment will present an overview of the BabySteps Savings Plan Program.  BabySteps is a program that provides an incentive for opening a savings account for post-secondary education or vocational training. The presentation will cover the ins and outs of CSA programs, significant geographical enrollment trends across Massachusetts, and the role healthcare providers can play in advocating for economic empowerment among their patients.
Kinship Navigation Program – Presented by Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Kinship Navigator is a program of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts that helps all kinship caregivers (grandparents and other relatives) access services for themselves and the children they are raising.
MassHealth Provider Services UpdatesPresented by MassHealth Provider Services and the Office of Long-Term Services and Supports 
Provider Services will conduct a separate training series on provider focused topics including, COVID-19, Office of Long-Term Services and Supports, Provider Support Operational Changes, Transhealth Service Updates, and the introduction of two new provider types. Additional provider related updates and resources will also be discussed.