The Official Website of the Massachusetts Health Care Training Forum
Health Care Training Forum
System Update: Health Connector Member Portal
On the evening of Monday, May 13, 2024, the Health Connector Member Portal was updated. Assisters should clear their cache and cookies prior to logging into the Assister Portal to ensure they can view updated Member Portal information. Visit https://www.mahealthconnector.org/start then scroll down to choose the subsection: How to clear your browser's cache (history/memory).
The updates to the Member Portal include:
A new banner message for ConnectorCare Members.
Assisters may notice new messaging related to Premium Waivers in the Health Connector Member Portal. ConnectorCare members that are behind in paying their monthly premium will see a new banner that directs them to our webpage to see if they can receive help with their premium.
A new mail date in the Member Portal.
Enrolled members will have the ability to see mail dates for invoices and/or notices on the Member Portal. The mail date is the date that an invoice and/or a notice was dropped in the mail.
If the mail date is not available, it is because the invoice and/or notice has not been mailed or they are enrolled in paperless communication preferences. Members normally receive the invoice and/or notice 5 business days from the date it is dropped in the mail.