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The Official Website of the Massachusetts Health Care Training Forum
Health Care Training Forum

MassHealth Robotics Processing Automation (RPA) Policy Annual Validation

July 22, 2024

MassHealth requires MassHealth providers, relationship entities, and business partners (hereafter referred to as “organizations”) that intend to use Robotics Processing Automation (RPA) tools (aka bots) on MassHealth’s Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) Provider Online Service Center (POSC) register any/all bots with MassHealth by submitting a registration request for approval.

Pursuant to the MassHealth RPA Policy, MassHealth requires an annual compliance review for all organizations that have been approved to utilize RPA tools on the Provider Online Service Center (POSC). MassHealth will outreach to all affected organizations. Organizations must validate the RPA information that is on file at MassHealth and attest that they are still compliant with the RPA policy. Organizations that have modified their bot without MassHealth approval will be deemed out of compliance and will be required to submit an RPA Modification form.

Please note that if your organization is currently using a bot and you have not received approval from MassHealth, you are out of compliance with the RPA policy and must contact MassHealth immediately to submit a RPA registration request.

Please visit the MassHealth RPA Policy webpage at to review MassHealth’s RPA policy and learn how to submit an RPA registration request for MassHealth approval.

If you have questions regarding this message:

LTSS providers, please contact the LTSS Provider Service Center at (844) 368-5184 or

All other providers, please contact MassHealth at (800) 841-2900 or