New MassHealth dental Third-Party Administrator

MassHealth will be transitioning to a new dental third-party administrator for MassHealth, the Children’s Medical Security Plan (CMSP), and Health Safety Net (HSN) members.

The new anticipated start date for the new dental administrator, BeneCare, is April 1, 2025.

The current MassHealth dental administrator, DentaQuest, will continue until March 31, 2025.

For more information on the new start date, please see Dental Bulletin 52.

For participating providers and members:

    • No action is needed at this time and there are no immediate changes in MassHealth Dental operations.
    • Please continue to contact DentaQuest for MassHealth Dental Customer Service at 800-207-5019 with any questions or requests for help.

What is the dental third-party administrator and what do they do?

The dental administrator (also called the “TPA”) provides the day-to-day functions on behalf of the MassHealth Dental program, including:

    • Claims processing
    • Customer service for members and providers
    • Credentialing and recruitment
    • Helping members find a dentist.

How can I find out more about the upcoming MassHealth dental administrator transition?

An initial list of frequently asked questions about the upcoming transition to BeneCare is available at Provider FAQs – BeneCare MassHealth. The FAQs will continue to be updated as more information is available.

How can I sign up to receive future email updates about the MassHealth dental administrator transition?

Click here to sign up for the transition email list.

Please note that individuals and parties who are interested in transition updates but are not providers are also welcome to sign up for the email list. Please use the same sign up form and enter your organization or n/a under “Dental Practice Name”.

For questions regarding the upcoming MassHealth dental administrator transition, please email the MassHealth Dental Provider Relations team, supported by BeneCare, at

Dental care is one of many benefits available to children and adults who are enrolled in MassHealth. Learn more at Learn about MassHealth dental benefits |

New MassHealth dental Third-Party Administrator
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