Health Connector Member Tax Forms
The Health Connector has completed the mailing of 1095-A tax forms for those members who had coverage in 2024. Mailed forms should be received during the week of February 3rd based on a member’s mailing preference. If a member selected paperless, they will get an email that informs them the 1095-A form is now available on the Member Portal and if they do not select paperless, they will receive a hard copy in the mail.
If someone was expecting a copy of the 1095-A mailed to them and has not yet received it, they can download the form from their Member Portal. If someone needs a duplicate 1095-A form and cannot access their Member Portal, Contact – Holiday Closures – Massachusetts Health Connector to request that another one is mailed.
Member steps to access and download their tax forms:
- Go to
- Select Sign In at the top of the screen, then select Individuals and Families
- Sign in with their MA Login (username) and password
- From either the Dashboard or the Plans tab, select the Make Payment button
- From the Tax Forms section on the Member Portal, download and print a copy of their Form 1095-A
Note that members enrolled with more than one carrier during the year will receive a form from each carrier. Reminder: Navigators can view notices and forms, Certified Application Counselors (CACs) cannot.
Requesting a Corrected 1095-A
If you’re helping a member that believes there’s a mistake on their form 1095-A, call Health Connector Customer Service and explain that the member would like a “corrected” form and describe the enrollment error that needs to be fixed.
Customer Service will review the request for a corrected form. If a correction needs to be made, it may require enrollment changes and carrier approval. Members are encouraged to report any corrections to their Form 1095-A’s by 3/18/25 to allow corrections to be processed and new forms to be sent out before the tax filing deadline. Corrections can be made after this date but may result in a form being sent after the tax deadline.
Background: Health Connector Member Tax Filing Responsibilities
Each January, those enrolled in Health Connector health plans during the previous calendar year receive a 1095-A tax form. Health Connector members use this form to fill out Form 8962 when they prepare their federal tax returns. All Health Connector members also receive a form 1099-HC from their health plan, which they should use when preparing state tax returns.
- Health Connector members who received Advance Premium Tax Credits (APTCs) to help reduce the cost of their coverage (including those enrolled in ConnectorCare plans) are required to file taxes and reconcile APTCs received to remain eligible for tax credits in the future.
- Members who did not receive APTCs in 2024 can use the information on their 1095-A to find out if they qualify to receive premium tax credits when they file their federal income tax returns.
- To learn more about the tax filing process, APTCs and how they relate to maintaining Health Connector health coverage, review information from the Health Connector’s website.
- Please see the updated letters to Tax Preparers for ConnectorCare members (available in English and Spanish) and information about free tax filing assistance.
Noticing Error:
Approximately 2,700 members may have received an eligibility approval notice dated 1/31/2025-2/3/2025 with an incorrect Special Enrollment Period end date of 11/23/2022 included in the notice (screenshot below). These notices had no impact on the members’ eligibility, enrollment, or account billing status. The Health Connector will mail a new notice with their correct SEP end date.

Members who have received the incorrect notices may contact you with questions.
- Review the members’ account, eligibility, enrollment, etc.
- Confirm the member’s actual SEP end date on their HIX account dashboard.
- Tell the member that a new notice will be sent with the correct SEP end date and help the member to shop for a plan, if requested.
MassHealth Member Tax Forms
Each year, MassHealth members enrolled in certain MassHealth coverage types must show proof of coverage for each month in which they were enrolled in Minimum Creditable Coverage (MCC) during the calendar year.
The Form 1099-HC is a Massachusetts state tax document which is sent to members by their health insurance carriers. The Form 1099-HC shows:
- Which months during the calendar year members were enrolled in a health plan that meets the state’s MCC requirements for at least 15 days.
- Individual member had income greater than 150% FPL at any point in the calendar year.
- The individual was at least 18 years old as of 12/31/2024.
The Form 1095-B is the federal tax document. It will show which months during the calendar year members were enrolled in a health plan that meets the federal Minimum Essential Coverage (MEC) requirements for at least 1 day. MassHealth will mail each eligible member a 1095-B form. If specific months are marked, the individual was covered by MassHealth only during the marked months.
Members in the following coverage types: MassHealth Standard, MassHealth CarePlus, MassHealth CommonHealth, or MassHealth Family Assistance (direct coverage) will be mailed their Form 1095-B. They may also access their 1095-B Form at
MassHealth members with questions about why they received the Form MA 1099-HC, how to get their Form 1095-B from MassHealth, or if they need a duplicate copy, should contact MassHealth at (866) 682-6745, TDD/TTY: 711 for people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech disabled.