In September of 2022, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) approved MassHealth’s 1115 demonstration waiver renewal, which included re-authorization of and changes to both Flexible Services Program (FSP) and Specialized Community Supports Program (CSP) for Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Enrollees only.
As approved in this waiver FSP will be ending on 12/31/2024. As of January 2025, there will be two categories of services that address HRSNs (i.e., HRSN Services) for ACO Enrollees – Required Services and Supplemental Services. HRSN Required Services must be offered and provided to any eligible ACO Enrollee. HRSN Supplemental Services are chosen by the ACO. The ACO must then offer and provide such services to any eligible ACO Enrollee.
Learn about current and future state Housing and Nutrition Services, member eligibility, and changes that impact members.
Here you will find the presentation and transcription.
Click on the link icon to the right to access the recording.